Customer1 Service Basics prepare front-line employees to greet and process customers with
courtesy, recognition and a helpful attitude.
Although these three behaviors are simple to understand, genuinely performing them can require continued practice. Long-term retention of the take-aways listed below is the result of management modeling the behaviors themselves, performance coaching and constructive feedback.
Take-Aways – Participating in the workshop enables you to:
A. | Greet customers with courtesy despite the communication channel 3 you share with them (i.e., online, phone, text or in-person). |
B. | Identify one (1) listening habit you are willing to fine-tune to more effectively process a customer’s interest or concern. |
C. | Demonstrate a nonverbal stance you can adopt to enhance a customer’s experience interacting with you. |
1A “customer” is defined here as anyone (whether internal or external to your enterprise) upon whom you depend to be successful.
Customer Service Training workshops are available upon request.